DUTCH Hormone Test


Well, I was very nervous but I took the Dried Urine Test Comprehensive Hormone- my Doctor meets with me in a week to go over them. It’s about 8 pages of information and in depth results of where my hormones are at. Looks like my Estradiol is bit on the low range, my progesterone is very very low, my testosterone is at 22 and high.

My body also is not metabolizing my cortisol very well. My androgen levels are high as well. All my estrogens and metabolites are in various ranges. For example my Esterone, Estrodiol, Estriol, and total Estrogen are low end.

My DHT is not being properly converted through my liver either.

Even though it’s all overwhelming I am excited to finally get answers! I am on the road to conceive. My Dr. has helped over 11k women who were “infertile” get pregnant through his methods! Yay! I’m next!

Anyone do a DUTCH test before?
