Frustrated to the MAX!


I had an appointment this morning with the doctor who will be doing my postpartum and baby’s care in the hospital. I’ve been seeing my family doctor for all my prenatal care, he just no longer does labour and delivery. Anyways, I met with this new doctor and now apparently I’m anemic, and he claims I have gestational diabetes. Because my first blood test prior to drinking the sugar drink, my count was 4.4 and anything over 4.3 is considered diabetes. Now this guy is sending me for a fetal assessment next week, making me see a dietician, check my blood sugar everyday and I might not be able to have this baby at the hospital in our city. I might have to go an hour away to a bigger facility because I’m too “high risk”.

What makes me mad now is either 1. My family doctor who I’ve seen literally my entire life is slacking and leaving out information. Or 2. This new guy is just that, new and does not have the same experience at all.

I appreciate him wanting to give the best care possible to me and my baby, but seriously I’m 36+2. My c-section is scheduled for June 9. Why start all this stuff now?