First date - inform about medical issue, or no?

I have a colostomy because of a medical emergency I had last year. I'm able to get the colostomy reversed but I have a lot going on legally with my ex, and no longer have health insurance so I'm unable to get the reversal just yet. Anyways, I'm supposed to go out on a first date with someone I've been talking to for about 10 days now, and my friends are telling me I should tell him about the colostomy before going. Their logic is if he's not into it, it's better to know now because if he lost interest over that I wouldn't want to be with him anyways A, and B that would show he's probably not a great guy. So now I'm super super bummed. I'm definitely insecure and embarrassed about having a colostomy. Should I tell him before going out with him, or should I just go out with him and tell him later on if we pursued dating further?

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