Ughhhh not dilated

Lea • I have a 10yo son and another BOY on the way! #Juneof20

Had my 36w today. Going weekly now! (Finally!) I’m 36+2. Scheduled for a section on 6/15 unless he decides otherwise... not looking likely though. I’m not dilated AT ALL! She said I’m still completely closed. I’m hurting so bad though! I’ve been on Procardia for 2 months now so I’ve been ordered to stop that on Friday. Hoping that gets things moving. I never hurt this bad with my first son. It hurts to walk, to sit, to stand, anything other than laying here. She told me he’s pressed against a ligament? That runs from my belly button to my bladder. Well, every squirm or move he makes, makes me tense up in pain and cry! I know he needs another week or two but I’m so ready to have this baby! The no dilation was a big disappointment! I thought/hoped at least 1cm!