Temp spike


Okay, so I need a little help. I always thought the temp spike happened before ovulation, but now all the reading I've done tells me it happens after... my temperature spiked on the 7th of this month, which is the day before the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> and fertility friend have me ovulating, on the 8th. I got a peak opk test on the 7th as well. So did I ovulate on the 6th (the day before the spike), the 7th (the day I got the peak opk), or the 8th (the day both apps have me ovulating)??? This is the first month TTC so this is all new to me.

Edit: I never had regular periods before having my son, and since I've gotten my cycle back, it's a little more predictable but not spot on.