I’m frustrated

So I’m currently 36+6 and had my routine appointment today. This was my first in-office appointment in almost a month and I was supposed to a growth scan (I have GD), tdap and my strep b. They called me this morning to let me know they needed to cancel my growth scan because their ultrasound machine was down all morning but to continue my routine appointment. Well, when I was in the waiting room I could heat the receptionist calling woman and asking them to come in ASAP because the doctor was trying to go home early so I had a feeling I was going to be rushed. The past three weeks I’ve been experiencing daily headaches, my heart racing, nausea, dizziness and swelling along with fluid leaking in larger amounts than usual and lower back pain. The doctor came into my room and instantly started checking baby’s heart rate and measured my belly while asking “any questions?” in a very blunt and hurried tone. I brought up my symptoms and he said “that’s your anxiety” and in regards to the fluid, “if your water broke, you would be in labor. That’s just discharge”. I never said I thought my water broke but I was worried that I’m leaking amniotic fluid slowly, but okay. More happened with him rushing me out but when I got into my car, they uploaded my summary and it said my pulse was 123 and my BP was 155/80 but no one said anything. I wasn’t checked to see if I’m dilating either.

They checked my sugars and it was low, like usual, and the doctor said he’s questioning if I actually have GD. I’m only diet controlled because I barely failed the 3 hour test.