My first epidural free birth!


I’m so excited to finally share my birth story after reading so many others! We were scheduled for an induction at 40 weeks and 1 day. We went in at 7am on a Thursday and got all checked in and settled in our room. They hooked up my monitors and started my IV. Pitocin was started at 8:00 and I was already dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. The doctor came and broke my water at 9:30. By 11am I was contracted every 5 mins and they were getting pretty painful. They checked me again and by this time I was a 6! They offered the epidural at this point but I declined. I started walking around the room and working through my contractions which were just unbelievably painful! At one point I couldn’t stand any longer and had to lay on my side in the bed. My contractions were about 2 mins apart at this point and I was crying in pain not going to lie 😂 I told my nurse that I was starting to feel the urge to push and she checked me and told me I was at an 8 however with the next two contractions I was literally pushing and I told her to check me again because I could feel the “ring of Fire” feeling they talk about with natural births and I really needed to push. At this point she called the doctor in, and told me it was go time. I pushed about four times through the most ridiculous pain of my life and he was here 💙 7lbs 11oz. And 20 1/2 inches of pure perfection. We had a very easy hospital stay and were discharged 24 hours later 💙