I have little(big) rant

First of all this is not shaming moms who started giving solids (you know your kid and you do you my intentions are not to mom shaming anyone) it is just I need to rent about this.

So seems like everyone knows what is best for my kind but me.

Oh you should start giving him solids now.Ot is better to start early so he can be used to that.

His aunt today gave him jam (just bit) on her finger.I told her not to give him him that it is sugar.

“I gave mine kids that it is like honey,or I would put paci in sweet water or honey”

“You know honey is not recommended till after 1 year”

And her kids are 21 years and 16.

I told them I will start solids at 6 month and that is mine decision but no one is listening.

Seems like I need to get mad so they will understand I know I’m ftm but I think I know what is okay to my kid.Idc how my mom,mil,SIL,FIL raised their kids then was different time now is different.

And my mil is saying she can’t wait to make him soups.Like hell no !!