Dilation help !!!!


So, I'm 40 weeks plus 1 and I haven't dilated....my doctor said she couldn't even feel my cervix so I'm due to be induced on the 27th. At this point I'm beyond scared and thus is my first child. Most days I am extremely tired but I do walk around some more than others of course. I'm scared of getting the balloon put in to help with dilation and the pain that might come with that, as I've youtubed the subject and seen how it's done. Honestly, at this point I want to opt in for a c-section because I can't see how there going to get that balloon through my cervix if it is indeed still closed. I've also been thinking about drinking castor oil to see if I can get somewhere......has anyone else used castor oil to help with dilation and labor with there first child ?!?!? I still have my mucus plug and my water hasn't been broken either, my baby girl is literally chilling in there and I'm totally scared !!!!