Copper IUD


Hey ladies

None of my friends have the copper IUD and a lot of info online is straight from the company and not from other women so I was hoping y’all would be able to answer some questions for me based on personal experience

I’ve had mine a little over a year now and I am still suffering from pain during sex and extremely heavy periods.

I leak every time I have a period now and as an almost 30 year old woman, it’s embarrassing.

But I was wondering if anyone’s experienced any body changes? This is supposed to be the safe birth control from weight loss or acne because it’s hormone free

But I’m breaking out worse than when I was a teenager! And I’m about 20 pounds heavier than when I got on the iud despite being more active than I was before and dieting. I cannot get the weight off. It seems impossible.

Is anyone else suffering from acne or weight gain? Just curious about personal experiences.