Lack of self confidence


Even though I’ve been in a relationship with my other half for almost 2 years, I still feel like I’m not good enough. He tells me everyday that I’m beautiful and he loves me. Why do I still feel like I’m not pretty enough or good enough? He says he has what he wants already, with me. I know he can get whoever he wants. So why is he with me? And even after he purposed, yes, recently. I still feel the same way. Everyday he tries to tell me I’m good enough for him. And I know it has to be hard on him to have to constantly hype me up and and remind me. I guess because of previous relationships, I’m damaged. I’m super grateful for my fiancé. It’s weird saying. I’m not used to this yet. And I hope he doesn’t get annoyed with how I put myself down. But I guess since he has lasted this long and even wants to marry me, says a lot about his character. I love him so much and I’m just scared. I guess. But is it normal to still fe this way? Years of mental abuse from my last relationship definitely took its toll on me. It makes me scared of being happy. Truly happy. But I am. I’m just terrible at being confident in my own self.