Do you get PMS acne?

Courtney • Health Nerd - Researcher of Nutrition, Health, and Fitness

One thing I have learned fairly recently, is that the PMS symptoms that most women experience & are common, are not actually normal for a healthy period 😬 They are signals from the body trying to communicate that something is off; there is an imbalance.

(Feel free time scroll to the bottom if you aren’t interested in my acne struggles, I just need to vent my journey and discoveries out of excitement for FINALLY figuring out a natural and gentle item what works for my body😉)

I have fought with acne my whole adolescent and adult life. When I started to develop a passion for fitness and nutrition, I realized I had been allergic to some of my favourite foods I ate daily for most if my life, attributing to deep cystic acne that no skin care or medical treatment could fix (and I WORKED in the skincare industry trying nearly everything I could get my hands on).

Cutting out foods that inflamed my body made a BIG difference but I continued to break out regularly, although much less intense as before.

Changing my skincare would sometimes help, but only for a short time.

As I began studying the endocrine system and how sensitive our hormones are, I became aware of the toxins that surround us everyday. I slowly started transitioning our heavy chemical cleaners & skin care to making my own.

Once I got to the point where I made my own entire skin care regime, even an acne treatment, my skin LOVED all of it! It was healing so quickly, but still... I would get a new one popping up now and then and I couldn’t pinpoint why! I knew certain foods make me break out but I had been avoiding them, they weren’t the culprit.

I learned my body has been struggling with not only hormone imbalances most of my life, but also PCOS! With that in mind I dove into more research, worked with my naturopath, listened to interviews with experts on many endocrine-related topics, looked up recent scientific studies and amongst a lot of them, an oil kept getting mentioned so I looked more into that.

*** Evening Primrose Oil ***

This gentle herb is safe for most and is amazing not only for helping to regulate hormones, it is also very effective for testing and preventing acne that is caused by hormones!

It is also great for other skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis) and PMS symptoms like breast pain and hot flashes if taken orally, though if used topically it can still be absorbed by the skin.

If you want to try if for yourself, just do a little check to make sure you aren’t in a category of people who may have negative side effects such as women with estrogenic cancers, but it should be safe for most women.

Since I started using it topically and in my skin care, I haven’t been breaking out unless I indulge and choose to enjoy a food that I know will make me break out. 🎂 🍦 🧄 🍳 🥜 🤤