Just stop 🤦🏻‍♀️🥴


I know people mean well when they ask “So when will you guys have a baby?” Or my personal favorite “You’ve been married 2 years. Have a baby already!” 🙄

I had someone who I’m not even close with ask me today in the grocery store “So no baby yet?” I guess it was just the stress of the times or whatever but I literally said “Well we have one, but I miscarried. So we have a baby in heaven.” And the lady just stared at me and said “Oh I didn’t know, I’m sorry!” .... no shit you didn’t know. I didn’t tell anyone but my family 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

So I said that we were trying but it’s just not easy (We’ve been trying over a year since our MC). And she said “Stop trying some hard, then it’ll happen.” 🙃 Oh yeah, let me just not think about having a baby when that’s all my husband and I want. Sure!!

Anyway, rant over. 😂

How do you respond when people ask these sort of questions? I’m genuinely curious. Usually I just say “Well it isn’t for lack of trying” and it does the trick. But sometimes I just want to scream!