Can I be pregnant

My last menstrual period was on the 25th April, 2020 and my ovulation day was on the 13th May, 2020. The last time I had sex was on the 10th May, 2020 but on the 17th May, 2020 I started spotting which looks dark brown and it lasted for 3 days. Before the spotting I was having lower back pain and lower abdominal pains. From the day the spotting ended I have been having pains at the left right abdomen and waist pain. On 22nd May I started feeling some mild pain in my breast and still feels that pain. Some mild nausea too. Could I be pregnant? Even though I get some of these symptoms when I'm about having my period especially nausea and the breast pains. I don't know if I should take a pregnancy test or I should wait till the day of my period which is suppose to be on the 28th May, 2020.