Due For Aunt Flow In 2 days

Alissa • Mommy to two DDs and three Angels who stayed in Heaven

I am due for AF in 2 days and all my tests have been stark negative except one that a friend swears is a faint positive. We were trying but hubby informed me he doesn't think trying for number three is a good idea right now. So basically if I am not pregnant this is it until he is ready. I totally respect his feelings and have resloved myself not to push him but I am devestated to say the least. I don't think this month is my month and literally everyone around me is getting pregnant. A really good friend just said to me today "It'd be cool if you were pregnant since we'd be due 2 days apart." And it just tore me up because I really want another but it doesn't seem to be in the cards right now. Any other ladies have a similar situation? Any advice?