Nauseous in early pregnancy but only just throwing up


Just wondering if anyone else has experience this too.

Between about 5 and half weeks and 10ish weeks I had really bad nausea. To the point where I was miserable and unable to get out of bed some days. I been completed wiped out by it as well as experiencing bad food and smell aversions.

Over the last couple of weeks it’s started to ease up with the odd bad day but a few good ones too. Headaches have been getting bad though.

Tuesday I felt really sick all night and threw up on Wednesday morning.

And now I had headache so went for a nap and threw up when I got out of bed. I’m now 14 weeks 3 days and can’t believe I’ve only just started throwing up. I don’t even feel as sick as I felt before, it’s more than i feel like liquid is just stuck inside my stomach slushing about and then I start to feel sick and throw up.

Has anyone else’s morning sickness changed at all?

I hope this doesn’t become a regular occurrence!