Bf told me I’m a bad mom already (long rant)


Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent and I dont have anyone to talk to 😣 Im 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby ever, and so far throughout my pregnancy me and my bf have fought 3 times and in the 3 times he’s told me that I don’t care for our baby and that I need to start acting like I do care.

The first time I was 10 weeks and we were fighting because I had suggested that our guest bedroom be turned into a nursery, he didn’t like that idea because he wants the baby to co-sleep with us, and I want that as well but I was trying to tell him that I still wanted a nursery so we could store his things in there instead of everything taking over our room, and that’s when I suggested that the baby wasn’t going to co-sleep with us forever and that eventually when we start putting him to sleep in his own room, he was going to need a crib and I wanted to get it ready because as a ftm Im very excited! Well he got mad and asked me if I even wanted a baby, I was taken aback and said of course I do! (We had been ttc for a year) and he told me that I needed to act like it or I could go sleep on my own and he would take care of the baby by himself.

I didn’t know what to say, I started crying and told him that I already love our baby and that I didn’t mean to get him upset but the way he saw it was that I didn’t want the baby in our room because I didn’t want to take care of him and I was just trying to stick him in the nursery so I would get out of it 🙄

The second time I was 20 weeks when we found out our baby boys gender and when we fought it was because I had gone to the store and bought him some clothes, he got mad because he wanted to go with me but I saw they were having a sale so I went while he was at work and he went on to tell me that if I wanted to be a single mother so bad for me to just leave because I was already acting like it.. I’m not trying to say being a single mom is a bad thing, my mom raised me and my siblings and was a badass at it, but he just went off because I went without him, we had already gone to the store prior as well and bought some things but I wanted to get more and he got upset

The third time was just recently, at 30 weeks, I was taking care of my brothers puppy while he was working for the week and on the last day we had him, he went off on me and told me that for the past 3 days I had put all of my attention on the puppy and that I was taking care of him too often and that it seemed like I didn’t even care about our baby. Right away I told him to not even start and he told me “why? Because it’s the truth?” And I was so pissed I told him “no! Because I do love my baby, and I’m just taking care of the puppy because I had to make sure I took him outside to use the restroom, and make sure he was fed and maybe play with him a little since he was still barely 8 weeks” well my bf dislikes dogs, he doesn’t want any at all and he believes they should just be kept outside and never inside. Well he had allowed me to rake care of the puppy since my brother had asked him, but he only wanted the dog inside the crate the whole time, he told me that it was like I had forgotten about our child and that I was ignoring him, when honestly I wasn’t, I was still counting kicks, making sure I ate and took my prenatals I even asked him if we could start on putting away the babies things since we haven’t started on anything and he didn’t want to help me out, so anytime I took the dog out the crate to take him outside or to feed him outside, he would get super pissy, and that’s when he told me that we were never getting a dog no matter how badly I would like one ( I grew up with dogs my whole life) and that I need to pay more attention to my bay than the puppy, I yelled at him and told him I have been but he just told me that he couldn’t believe I would care about a dog instead of our baby 😣 which isn’t in the slightest bit true! I love my baby!!

I just feel like I’m already the worst mother ever and that maybe my dreams of being a mother should’ve never come true if that’s the case.. just feeling so discouraged.. and now he’s acting like the fight never happened and that we’re okay again.. I just feel so drained.. sorry for the stupid rant.. just had to get it off my chest.. I just can’t stop feeling like I let my unborn child down.. 💔