Anyone else having very Labor-ish nights???

Ive had real contractions a couple of diffrent times in the past week 6-7 mins apart for hours, back pain (especially during contractions, neusea galore, running back and forth to the Lou oh so frequently, hip pain, a couple of days ago he was really miving and pushing down hard (still feel him but hes not as violent), headache, exhaustion(little bouts of Entergy like oh i have to do this now moments), upset stomach, acid reflux/heartburn, feeling like my lady parts are honestly falling out everytime I stand too long or walk more then a few steps, and He's compleatly head down like way down... This is not my first child I know the process but this time seems to be different then last anyone else feeling like this? Whenbi felt like this before I was in labor... Tips? Help? Anything...

(I know it will all be worth it when hes here, and I'm so blessed to be having these issues to have him in just wondering what I can do to help this be a bit easier if possible)

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