
My sister in law and one of my friends are throwing me a baby shower in June at my sister in laws house. I know everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about COVID19 and they are usually QUITE STRONG ONES and i didn’t even think about what a shit show having a shower during this time would be. I have received a handful of texts about if the shower will be outside (it will be at least 96 degrees then) or if everyone will be in masks and it’s putting me in such a tough spot. I can’t MAKE anyone wear a mask especially when my sister in law volunteered her house and said she would not be providing masks and if people wanted to wear them “they will have to bring it themselves and honestly probably shouldn’t come at all if they feel like they should wear one,” so I’m thinking of bringing a stack myself to set at her front door. Anyone else in this sort of predicament? It seems like no matter what someone is going to be upset or uncomfortable no matter what since everyone has their own take- some will be bringing one and some won’t wear one that is provided. Makes me almost want to cancel the whole thing all together