What would you do...

So...... back story...... we are a Military family. My Husband is Active duty one the Air Force.

He returned home in January 2020 from a 7 month deployment. And now we are 15 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child.

Our listing to move come out, and we agree we want to move back overseas ASAP, so we are trying to move. 😍😍

But we are also discussing him doing short tour. (1 year by himself) in Korea, so we can move where ever we want.

I know I can go visit him and he will come and visit home.

But if he leaves little dude will only be 2 months. I will have a 4 year old and basically a New born. We live about an 18 hour drive from family. I will be having a C-Section and most likely leaving my job.

My question is would you move home and live with family? Or just stay in your current house?

We have been through Deployments overseas by myself, my daughter have been through a deployment. This would be much different because he can come home and we can go visit him.

He told me he would support whatever I decided. He would like me to be closer to home. But we have never lived by home as a married couple, and only been home 4 times in 7 years. 🙈 We are very much the black sheep of the family. Which is why I think it’s hard for me to move home.

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