Salad meal prep


Just some motivation for someone out there. I made 5 different salads for my husband and I for the week. Took me about an hour to do but well worth it.

1. Spinach, bacon, chicken, onions, tomato, salt/pepper, guacamole on the side when ready to eat.

2. Spinach, onion, boiled eggs, salt/pepper

3. Spinach, corn, onions, sweet bell peppers, some mozzarella cheese

4. Spinach, black beans, sweet bell peppers, mozzarella cheese

5. Spinach, tuna, boiled egg, tomato, yogurt or mayo, salt/pepper.

SN: Salt/pepper is optional I just like to add a little something to the dish

I don’t put any salad dressing on them when I first make my meal prep because I don’t want it to get soggy. But when we get ready to eat we’ll use olive oil and apple cidar vinegar, or olive oil & balsamic, I hate ranch lol but my husband likes it. So yeah this is my salad meal prep for 5 days. Might even last for a shorter period of time because we may have 2 in a day 🤷🏾‍♀️, we’ll see 💪