My rainbow June baby is born in May

Last Friday on the 22nd I had my membrane sweep at 37+6 weeks. I felt absolutely nothing, no contractions, no nothing! Both my husband and I did the deed the night of 23rd. The 24th, we had just got home from running a quick errand. I had to pee so I went to the bathroom. Before I flushed the toilet, I noticed there was a white little piece in the toilet. I was debating on if it’s a piece of mucus plug or if it’s a piece of toilet paper. It was piece of toilet paper. Then I felt a contraction, I was standing in the doorway facing my husband. I felt a gush. This gush feels just like how you’d feel a gush from your vagina after you went swimming. So we head to the L&D. I had to wait for a total of 2 hours for them to do the swab test, and for the result. It came back that my water indeed broke. Then they transferred me into a birthing room. I had to wait another hour for the blood work and the result in order to get my pitocin. I wasn’t even contracting at all. I was 3cm dilated for a few days. They started me on pitocin and I decided to get an epidural. I went from 3cm to 10 within an hour and a half. It only took a couple of pushes to get her out.