I need help with my Birth control....


Sooo I’ve had the implant (Bc) for a few months now. And honestly my period has become irregular. They used to be ever 28days. I never had any issues with my cycle until after the implant. I’ll be spotting/superlightperiod for a week and then a regular period cycle for the next week and a half. So it feels like I’m on my period for about 2 weeks every month. While i don’t have any cramps, i get bad break outs and either eat everything in my way or don’t eat for 2 days straight.

Everything I’m going through sound like hormonal imbalances to. But I’m no doctor.

Aside from the irregular periods, I’ve been gaining weight and my skin has been super oily.

I want to take out the implant but i also want to practice safe sex and protect myself. I don’t know what to do. Does anyone have advice?

Should i take it out and get another form of BC ?

But i don’t want to put too many things in my body. I’m currently in an active relationship and I’m not ready for any .... unexpected consequences if I’m not on BC.... someone please help!