We went to our 36 week appointment and I was dilated 1 cm, and our OB was happy since I’m a first ti...

Leah • Boy mom 💙 5.11.2020 👶🏻
We went to our 36 week appointment and I was dilated 1 cm, and our OB was happy since I’m a first time mom and just asked until I hit 37 weeks that I take it easy. A few days later, I started feeling dizzy, nauseous, had a headache and more, so I called her and she had me come in. That was Friday, and she asked me to really try to keep the baby in til Monday when I was 37 weeks and to come see her first thing that morning. I had just learned I was born prematurely myself, and although she didn’t tell me, she and the nurses didn’t think baby would hang on til Monday! 
We made it til Monday. I had what I thought were Braxton Hicks all weekend, but she did my cervical check and I was 5 cm, so they were definitely real contractions! She gave me the option to be induced that day, or else run the risk of my water breaking at home and already being very dilated. Eager to meet our baby boy, and not wanting to have to race the clock to the hospital if my water broke, we decided to go with the induction. 
Knowing I’d only be able to eat ice chips, we made a pit stop at Chickfila on the way to the hospital. We checked in at the hospital, I got in my gown, gave them some blood and urine, and waited for my doctor to show up and give them my orders. This is all in the midst of covid, so it was just me and my husband at the hospital. 
My doctor showed up and broke my water. They started fluids on me that I had to wait to finish before I could get my epidural, and the fluids would take an hour. 30 minutes later, I was at 6 cm. Considering up until 5 cm I didn’t know I was having contractions, the contractions got VERY intense very fast. I was worried I was going to miss the window for my epidural as the pain got more intense. Also, breathing through contractions in a face mask is NOT fun. Finally, the fluids finished, and within 10 minutes I had my epidural in. I have never felt so much relief in my life! 
Once it was in, the nurse started my pitocin almost as slow as she could give it. Within 2 hours, I was at 9 1/2 cm. 30 minutes later, I started feeling some pressure, but no urge to push, as if I needed to poop. I let my nurse know, and she checked and baby was crowning! She told me to wait for my OB and not to push. My doctor was there 10 minutes later, and it took me just 6 pushes to bring my baby boy into the world. 
It’s not the most exciting birth story to read, but to be a first time mom and have your baby come at exactly 37 weeks with such fast and easy labor was exciting for us, and such a blessing after being terrified of giving birth during my pregnancy. 
Nothing will ever compare to the feeling when I heard my baby cry and when they put him in my arms. I had the most perfect baby boy and I was a mom. ❤️