Some things I’ve had on my mind


So I have some things on my mind and I need answers. So recently I experience some very, very light spotting and I was very worried. I called my doctor and was assured everything is just fine. So I had an appointment the next day and my ob said everything was looking great and I heard the heart beat and had an ultrasound later that day for the gender at 14 weeks exactly. I’m now 15 weeks +1 today and I see a lot of moms who suffer from missed miscarriages it worries the hell out of me. The reason why I’ve been thinking about this is because the only symptoms I’ve been having so far is major heartburn and lots of round ligament pain plus discharge and all my nausea and symptoms in the beginning have went away. I no longer have bleeding and everything is back to normal but I honestly feel I have felt baby moving which I hope is true and I don’t have my next scan and drs appointment till I’m 18 weeks so what should I do ugh. I have a Doppler but have struggled To find the heart beat on my own since I’m much bigger. I just need something to ease my mind. I’ve debated on going to a private scan again but I’m not sure. After the bleeding I just want to make sure baby is okay. I don’t want to show up to my next scan and be disappointed. I’m revealing the gender this weekend to my family and I’m just like over the edge with all of this ugh. Sorry for the long post. Thank u