Please help, next ultra in a week😫



I had my first ultrasound today what should be 6+4 (7 weeks) approximately. Exact dates are not sure, since I am uncertain when I ovulated. Last period was 10. April.

The doctor said he can’t say anything for certain, and wanted to schedule a new appointment for next wednesday.

I have had one miscarriage before (blighted ovum?) at exactly this time (7 weeks) exactly so, that I needed to come back in a week.

I know I won’t get a certain answer from here, but based on your own experiences/pictures at week 7, does this ultrasound picture look normal? Please post pics if you have any from week 7🙂

I dont have the previous pictures of my miscarriage, but then I remember there being only a round circle, now I feel like I can see something more?

What do you think?

All answers are much appreciated❤️