Olivia and I breasted until July 2019, she was 3 years old. We stopped because I was

Mary Kate
Olivia and I breasted until July 2019, she was 3 years old. We stopped because I was preparing my body for another round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I don’t think she was ready, but I don’t know when she would have been ready to stop. She was old enough to understand that I had to take medicine and it would make her sick. We prepped for this weeks before hand, she nursed for about 30 seconds twice a day for months. Looking back now, I’m not sure what my my driving force. It could have been I was was truly ready to have my body back or have this chapter over or a combo of both. I thought we would both be sad and especially me because this is something I grew to love. But I love having my body back, since I completely stopped breastfeeding, I completed a nutrition detox (it wasn’t suggested to do if breastfeeding) and I have switched my nutrition back to plant based. But here I am, the non bio expecting twin mom. My goal was always to nurse our children, even if I didn’t give birth to them. I have done what I have to keep my supply going and it’s time that I hop back onto the pump and start to make it count. My supply is extremely low to non existent but still there. If there is any other parents that were in a similar situation, would love to hear how long and how you got your supply to either come in or come back in. . . . #livrae2016 #ipumpgold #ipumplove #imthepacifier #breastfedbaby #fedisbest #liquidgold #nonbiomom #momoftwins #momofmultiples #ivfjourney #ivfbabies #ivftwins #rainbowbaby #mrsandmrs #twomomsquad #twomomsarebetterthanone #twomomfamily #lesbianmoms #lesbianmomsofig #believe #hope