i just need some comfort and help

hi everyone! i just needed to come on here and talk. i know this can sound really really crazy and silly but please hear me out. i’m 14 and i’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 10 months. there’s been a few times where he’s fingered me and i’ve been worried there’s the chance there was sperm on his fingers. he washed his hands before he did it because he had ejaculated probably half an hour before. i’m on the mirena iud and i’m just scared i’m pregnant because my strings have felt lower/long. but there is the chance obviously that my strings were cut long because i had a really bad insertion process. in march i had a really light period, similar to my spotting i have daily, in april i had like my normal period and it was pretty heavy. now my may one was just like my spotting again and i’m just really concerned. i can’t get a pregnancy test because my parents would be really angry and upset. so i don’t know what to do. please just give me some advice. am i overthinking and obsessing and should chill or should i just try to get a test somehow. please help!!