I'm Pregnant!!❤

Sierra • Mother to Elijah🧡 Braelynn Rose 💜Kai River💙, Lillyana Rayne💗, Karsen Grey 🩶, & Aydin Storm 🩵

Hello Ladies! My name is Sierra I have 3 kiddos. First is a boy, hes 4 years old his name is Elijah, second is a girl and shes 3 her name is Braelynn Rose. My third is 9 months and his name is Kai River. Hes my rainbow baby🌈 I had 3 misscariges in a row before him due to subchorionic hemorrhages that I was unaware of and after having sex I'd bleed heavily and miscarry 😥 With my third babe I decided on not having sex just in case, thankful I didnt because at my 8 week ultrasound was told I had a small subchorionic hemorrhage, but because I didnt have sex it healed up and I was able to continue life as normal. I'm planning to do that with this baby. 💙💜

Anyone have any names picked out?

I'm doing Lilianna Jo-Ann (Calling her Lillie) and Alexander Xavier Jo (calling him Xander or just possibly calling him that and changing middle name) Were hoping for a girl 💜