Things didn’t go as planned

Dejanae • ZQ May 15th 2020

I was suppose to get induced May 25th due to having diabetes but my sugars were constantly high due to not having enough insulin (insurance reasons) anywho my doctor thought it would be best to induce May 13th at 36weeks. So we did I was in labor for 3 days.

I pushed for 4 hours on May 15th, he just wasn’t coming down I asked for a c section because I had no more energy left in me and they didn’t want to use the vacuum because they thought maybe he was too big to come out vaginally and they didn’t want to hurt him.

So nobody warned me about the teeth chattering when you get a c-section I was EXTREMELY cold & felt a lot of pressure. It was worth it though.

At 11:54pm May 15th my son Zachariah was born 7pounds 3oz 20inches long.

He did end up in the NICU for 10 days..

It hurt to leave the hospital without him but I’m so happy to have him home now. ❤️