Would you take your child out of the daycare?


So on Tuesday I was called to pick up my 4 month old son at 8am because he pooped... you read that right, he pooped. As a matter of fact had the audacity to poop three times in 30 minutes. This is normal for him as he usually poops before we leave and again once he gets there.

Fast forward to today (Friday, 8:30am) I go to take him to daycare again, and this happens.

“It hasn’t been 72 hours yet.” ... I say “yes, it has Tuesday to Wednesday is 24, Wednesday to Thursday is 48 and Thursday to Friday is 72.” “Well he can’t return until Monday because we consider it the end of the business day when you pick him up.” 🙄 I say “okay, whatever. He wasn’t even sick. I even wasted money taking him to the doctor to confirm that.” (Btw I did not do this, just told a white lie for arguments sake) “Sorry but it’s our policy, since he was sent home.” So I left...

I have no time off available... Because I used it all for maternity leave (that’s a whole new rant) so me keeping a perfectly healthy child home from daycare does really screw with things.

Would you take your kid out of the daycare and go elsewhere if this happened? I just prepaid two months of care plus wrote a good review about them. Up until now they have been alright but then they got a new caretaker at the center and she seems to really dislike me.