I need to vent


I had a c section on April 2nd and my boyfriend was amazing during my healing process. But he started getting irritated when he cried, so i started getting up at night with my LO instead of him getting up. (Boyfriend is half deaf and practically blind without his contacts in) and the he would get up in the mornings and let me get a good stretch of sleep. But then he went back to work, so now im up all night with baby boy and then all day until the boyfriend gets home from work. He goes in at 7 am and sometimes doesnt get home till 7-8pm. Then he's to tired to do anything with the baby so i do all the work. So i feel like a single parent most of the time. And only getting between 2-4 hours of sleep at night. Dont get me wrong, i love my boyfriend to death but Im burnt out. I need a break. I havent left the house in a week.