Unusual dream

Little back story: I'm married and my husband and I are staying with his best friend since we just moved states. We have all known each other for the past 6 years. We shall call said best friend Sam for this story.

Okay so last night I had a dream that straight up featured Sam. I dont mean he was just in my dream but like we were totally doing all kinds of sexual things for my whole dream and let me tell you when I woke up I was horny af. Like I have never thought of Sam in this way but my God was i turned on. And have been throughout the whole day. I don't know what brought on this dream since I've never looked at Sam in that way whatsoever. Maybe it was cause I was sleeping in his bed. I don't know but it has been a weird day to say the least.

BTW I wasn't sleeping in his bed with him. We were all hanging out in his room like we all normally do and I fell asleep on his bed. When they were tired they decided to let me sleep there since they know I have a hard time sleeping in general. My S/O went to bed and Sam decided to sleep on the ground by the bed instead of waking me or sleeping next to me.