
Every weekend since my daughter weaned from breastfeeding, my husband and I have alternated days to sleep in. I let him pick which day he wants. Last weekend he had a 4 day weekend and slept in 3/4 days. I didn’t care because he was stressed and exhausted, and we hadn’t established who was sleeping in. Last night, he tells me tomorrow I can sleep in. Great. I stayed up an hour later reading.

Flash forward to this morning... the baby is crying. I say, “Babe, can you go get her?” And he says, “I can if I have to.” Then he rolls over and goes back to sleep. I ask again if he is going to get her. He ignores me.

Listen, I get that he is stressed and exhausted. And if he expressed that he wanted to sleep in again, I would have said yes, and gone to bed earlier.

I am pregnant in my first trimester and am exhausted all the time. He doesn’t realize how tiring it is to be pregnant and chasing a toddler all day.

I am just very annoyed. 🤦‍♀️