What’s the best for formula for babies that spit up?


Anyone have any suggestions for formula? My 6 month old literally pukes after every. Single. Bottle. No exaggeration, I can’t remember a time he drank a bottle and didn’t spit up after it...we have changed formulas probably 5 times from regular similac to sensitive to organic, he’s tried Kroger brand and the light purple enfamil (sorry I can’t think of the name off the top of my head) now he’s on Gerber good start for colic spit up and gas...he was doing a little better on it but still spitting up ALOT! We have to change his clothes and sheets several times a day, it’s rediculous lol on the upside his in the 97th percentile for his size weighing 21lb and the doctor said he isn’t worried about it because he’s clearly getting what he needs from the formula and that some babies are just like this...he’s only drinking 6oz every 2-3 hours which the doctor even said he was ok to have 8oz sooooo I’m not sure if I’m just outta luck or if anyone had any suggestions😊thanks