I gave birth in the front seat of our car.


I had a 37 week appointment at 10am that morning. I was 37+2 that day with baby #2. My daughter arrived at 38 weeks so I was wondering if my son would be coming into the world soon too.

My appointment went well. I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. I didn't think too much of it because I know people can stay dilated and thinned for weeks! I had been crampy on and off since about 34 weeks, and slowly losing my mucus plug in pieces.

My doctor and I talked about how my labor with my daughter was only 6 hours. So the last thing the doctor said to me before leaving the room was, "if you feel like you're in labor, don't wait, just go to labor and delivery."

I got home and sat outside with my daughter that day. I felt good and enjoyed the sunshine. By 8pm, I was ready to lay down.

I woke up at 11:30pm to a painful contraction. It startled me. It only lasted about 30 seconds so I decided to keep laying in bed and see what was happening. Less than 2 minutes go by and I had another. It was just as painful and still about 30 seconds. I got up to pee and start timing.

I decided to walk around the house for a bit. My contractions were every 2 minutes and about 30 seconds long. They started this close with my daughter too so it wasn't surprising.

At midnight, I was leaning over the counter to get something to drink when my water broke. It was a big gush. I immediately called my parents to come over to be with my daughter and woke up my husband.

We left our house at 12:20am. I was getting painful contractions every 2 minutes but they had increased to maybe 40 seconds or so.

By the time 12:30am hit, I was in a lot of pain. I was kneeling in the seat and holding onto the headrest. I gave birth unmedicated to my daughter but I didnt feel that amount of pain until about 8cm so I knew we needed to get there quickly.

At 12:40am we were over halfway there and I was bleeding quite a bit. I knew he must have been getting lower. I felt a crazy amount of pressure and my body was trying to push.

This is when my husband says, "can you cross your legs? I promise I'm hurring." I did not answer that silly question. He stopped talking....😂

12:50am we got off the interstate. I suddenly got this painful pressure and felt his head start to crown.

12:55am we pulled into the hospital. His head was almost fully out. I knew I couldn't keep him like that.

Meanwhile my husband parks out front and runs to the entrance. Here is his conversation....

Husband: My wife is having our baby right now.

Security guard: Oh congrats!

Husband: No, like she's giving birth in the car.

Security guard: *face drops, calls ER for help* 😅

I was in the car and gave one big push. I got ahold of his shoulders and pulled him onto my chest. It was the most relieving feeling to have him there and hear him cry. My husband opened the car door and says, "well there." I couldn't help but laugh.

The ER doctor arrived a minute or two later. He checked baby and I over and got a stretcher and blankets for us. They wheeled me to L&D where I got checked again, baby got checked, and they moved us into a postpartum room.

It was the most scary yet exciting experience. I am so happy that we both are now home and healthy!

Born 5/28/20, 7lbs, 19.75in long...my little car baby ❤