Gestational Diabetes?


I failed my one hour glucose test with a number of 151.

I went back for the 3 hour and 2 hours in I puked it up. My doctor told the lab not to reschedule, just take blood for an A1C and she’d look at that as well as my fasting levels.

My results just came back and although fasting says it is within normal ranges (normal ranges based on nonpregnant people) from everything I’ve ever seen it’s high and would have been considered high for the fasting part of my 3 hour.

Anyone ever deal with this and know what to expect? I’ve also heard A1C isn’t always the most accurate at diagnosing gestational diabetes so I’m a bit concerned about that. I plan on speaking with my doctor at my next appointment with her, but currently she is out of office and I am seeing another OB until she returns and I am unsure of when that will be.