My birth story ❣🥰


My June 19th 2020 baby is now a May 28th 2020 baby. I am so blessed and thankful the God brought him into this world the way he did.

It all started out of nowhere on May 27th at 11pm. I didn't know if what I was feeling was contractions or braxton hicks, so I was going with the flow. For a whole two hours they kept coming back to back about 7 minutes apart. I started timing them because I was still confused about if this was the real thing or not. This happened all night while I was at home.

Hours later I still hadn't got any sleep because the contractions were starting to become 5 minutes apart, 4, 3, 2, and then one minute apart. So at 4am I called my hospital and explained that this was my first child, my water was dripping and I think I may be in labor. I was also starting to lose a little of my mucus plug every time I went to pee (I was also pooping because pushing out the poop helped with the contractions that I didn't know I was having). The on-call nurse said I could've been having braxton hicks due to dehydration...... I drink 3 64oz bottles of water everyday so I know that wasn't the case. Irritated I said ok thanks and she had the nerve to say see you in a few hours, LOL.

Here I am at 630am.... I already had really BAD menstral cramps my whole life

so to me the contractions felt just like that but with a tinge more power but not anything I couldn't handle. So I called my mom and calmly said can you come pack his diaper bag. She was in shock because it was so early and I never call her that early and we still had 3 weeks left. So she says huh? Are you sure? Me calmly while having a contraction, yes mom I think it's time.

She literally lives up the street from me so Idk why it took her a whole hr to get to me. 730am came and she finally shows up. Since the contractions were coming back to back it took me a min to get off the couch fully naked fan blowing. My gma wakes up and is in shock that I didn't wake her up nor did she hear any of the moaning and back forth I was doing. Although I'm suprised she didn't wake up from the burnt rice sock I managed to forget I put in the microwave, LOL.

So I was finally able to get out of the house by 745am and of course traffic was a b*tch. At this point my contractions felt like they were lasting for 5 minutes. I literally had my butt in the air, foot hanging out the window trying not to "poop". I finally made it to triage and they asked for a urine sample, sure why not. So I sat on the toilet and was able to give a pinch of urine. Then I started to grunt.....

I yelled out, "oh he is comingggggggggg, he is coming out on his own"... so all the nurses rushed in grabbed me & basically had to lift me onto the bed. Mad I didn't have enough time to cry about everything happening, 4 or 5 pushes later my baby boy was wiggling on my chest. I was already naked because they wanted me to put a gown on but that wasn't happening lol.

I felt like a superwoman and mind you although I wanted a natural birth I was really going to the hospital to get an epidural LOL. Either way I couldn't do anything but thank God for blessing me with my little man. He is so precious and adorable.

I told myself I would definitely do it again but I am scared I wont have a perfect easy pregnancy like this one. My blessing.

Haven't posted any pictures online as I wanted his father and I to bond with him for as long as it takes before I share him with the world ❣❣