The birth of my daughter❤️ (long induction post)


I’m gonna start off my saying trigger warning because my birth was a little traumatic for me and don’t know how it will make others feel! Also, I just want to say I don’t fault any of my providers for this it’s just something that happened!

As far as covid, they called an hour I was supposed to come in and did a screening. I have to wear a mask in the hallways but I’m my room I’m free to go I’m without one and they didn’t test me either.

So they wanted to induce me because I was past my due date and I agreed. I came in on Thursday night (5/28) and they checked my cervix. That was pretty uncomfortable the first 2 times but once you start to dilate and thin out it gets easier. I wasn’t dilated at all and my cervix was super firm.

They gave me 6 doses of a medicine called cytotec starting at 11 pm on Thursday and ending at 7pm on Friday. The medicine can be taken by mouth or inserted vaginally and I had both.

3:30 pm on Friday I got a foley bulb catheter which is a tube they put in your cervix and inflate to help you dilate. They gave me iv pain meds for that so it was just a little uncomfortable but once it was in the most annoying part was having a tube hang out. It fell out 5:30 pm on Friday and that is when I had my bloody show.

So like I said I got my last dose of cytotec at 7pm and I was 3 cm dilated but my cervix was still firm. I went for a walk because they finally let me off the monitors and my contractions started getting regular at 8pm.

At 12 am they started me me on pitocin. After you start that you have to be consistently monitored and can’t eat. They came in every 2 hrs and increased the dose. Around 3 am on Saturday morning my water broke on it’s own during a contraction and I was only 4cm still hard.

They gave me a wireless Monitor so I could get in the tub and shower or bounce on the ball. The contractions felt like painful period cramps and I definitely had to breathe through them. I decided to get an epidural at 6 because I knew I needed to rest in order to push her out. Everyone says the epidural hurt them but they do it during a contraction and I was so focused on that I didn’t feel anything.

I went to sleep and woke up to some really painful contractions and we noticed that every time I would have a contraction her heart rate would drop but the nurse said it was in a normal range.

They checked me at 12pm on Saturday bc my contractions were so strong but I was still 4 cm and hard so I was super frustrated.

They turned off the pitocin once it got to 18 because of her heart rate dropping and my bo dropping. I got a huge dose of the the epidural and went to sleep for awhile.

The my started pitocin back up and put a different type of catheter in to measure the strength of my contractions. They were super strong but still not effective. I was finally 5cm and starting to thin around 9pm on Saturday so we were all pretty excited because after 6 things can go pretty quick.

By 11pm I was 8cm and completely effaced we finally thought the wait was over! But nope.😂 they checked me at 2:30am on Sunday and I was less than a cm away from being fully dilated so they gave me fluids and oxygen for my baby’s heart rate.

Let me just say I felt all of my contractions at this point because my epidural wasn’t working.

At 5am they wanted me to practice push because my body started to push on it’s own. I pushed 6 times and her heart rate dropped really low so they immediately got my legs down and basically inverted me to get her hr up and my pressure up. A bunch of people rushed in the the room and they put a monitor on her head inside of me to get a better reading.

At this point I was completely exhausted and wanted to get her out. I told the doctor to cut me open bc I couldn’t push anymore after laboring for so long.

They wanted me to wait because c sections are such a complex surgery. At 8:20 I called the nurse because I felt like her head was going to come out and when she checked me she felt the back of the baby’s head. Again, I felt all of this.

The turned me to do more practice pushes and her hr dropped again so at 8:50 am the decided to do a c section.

It took forever to go back because they have to keep giving me a ton of medicine through my epidural because it wasn’t working and they were trying to avoid putting me to sleep. They eventually got me situated and took me back to or where I got even more medicine and then my husband got to come in and she was born at 10:14 am!

I don’t remember very much of the people around me from the time I was in labor because I was in so much pain or so drugged up i was asleep. They told me that the reason she wouldn’t come out even though I was pushing correctly was because she was sunny side up and her forehead wouldn’t drop below my bone. The top of her head was in my birth canal for at least 3 hrs so she still had a long head but that’s why her heart rate was dropping.

At the end of the day, I would do it a hundred times over a

Just to see her beautiful face and I’m still extremely proud of myself!

We are finally getting to leave tomorrow and I’m not in a bunch of pain just swollen!

Enjoy these pics of my little one, my husband, and I!