Talking in Phrases.....

Morgan • Married 💍 Mama🥰 Waylon James💙 Wynonna May💗

So my son is a little over 19 months - this far, he doesn’t really say a single word. He can.... like yes and no, mom and dad. But that’s it. He actually talks in phrases. Most used are “there it is” “what’s that?” And “Who’s that?”

I don’t know if I should be impressed or concerned😅😂 is it normal for them to typically only speak in phrases? He says yes and no very rarely. Like sometimes I have to ask him 2 or 3 times a yes or no question to get him to answer me. But the phrases he literally uses all the time. When he’s looking for something and finds it he says “there it is” or if I ask him where an animal is in a book. He’s also constantly pointing at people and things asking “what/who is that?”