ease my mind 2dp5dt


So I’m a natural worrier. And I swear doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> makes me even crazier. 🤪 Anyways, I’ve been getting a high heart rate just walking up the stairs slowly at home. I’m talking 130-140s. My RE said to keep heart rate <140. So that has me worried. It doesn’t sustain especially once i sit down or stand still. Has anyone else experienced this and still had success with transfer? 🙏🏼

Also, they had said no heating pad on my stomach but had a heated blanket just on my feet🦶because even with 3 layers of socks on I have chronically cold feet. And i’m superstitious and trying to keep them warm. Anyways for maybe half an hour the heated blanket was unknowingly on my lap. Do I sound crazy or do you think this could lead to implantation failure? Please help ease my mind. 🤍🥺