Please help! I’m desperate


My daughter is 13 months old. She has ALWAYS been the worst sleeper ever. When she was around 8 months I finally had her sleep trained and self soothing and I was so excited. Right after she was Hospitalized for 8 days(viral infection). At the same time she was learning how to crawl. She was never the same again and would not sleep train she would sit in her crib for as long as I would let her screaming and crying till she was sweaty and would puke. She’s now 13 month and worse then ever. I got 2 hours and 51 minutes of sleep last night and I work full time. Daddy works full time. Between 1 and 3 she’s pretty much up will not let me lay her back down in the crib till she is so tired she finally deeply falls back to sleep. I have tried every method out there. I’ve tried giving her. A pre bed dinner(little snack). She’s getting all fluids during the day and had a big appetite. I can’t do this anymore. I thought at least by 1 there would be a light at the end of the tunnel but it’s just get darker and narrower. With her naps she will only nap if I push her around in the house with her stroller. I’ve tried laying in the bed with her but she screams her head off till she’s red and sweating. I’m so desperate and I don’t know what to do. She has slept in her crib since 3 months old. She will not sleep I her our bed. If she would sleep all night in our bed I would do it every night. She won’t. I’m tired, I’m sad, I’m angry, I cried all night husband helps and we are just at our wits end. I can’t do this. I wake up with migraines from no sleep and then have to work.