
Hey guys,

Hoping you are all well.

I hope this post is okay in here. I wanted to let you guys know that yesterday morning the odds were defied and inbetween our covid interrupted <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle, we got a sticky bean naturally. Everything is still very surreal and very early days, and i hope i can still be in touch on this page with you lot through this crazy time of worry and mixed emotions.

I didnt like to post this yesterday as i know this group isnt for random positives, but i felt a little sad having built relationships with a few of you in here over the past few months along our journeys together. The other groups wont be the same for me right now.

I know we occasionally hear of stories like this, but i honestly wouldnt have believed it if it hadnt happened before my own eyes, so never ever give up hope! We have tried for very nearly 3 years since our wedding day and here we are, after 2 frozen blasts back in Mar

We all have a time thats right for us, we just have to ride the storm. If someone told me i would have been 4-5 weeks pregnant this month i would have bet my life against it.

Sending love to you all and praying your cycles are up and running very soon, please keep me posted ❤️