Pregnant after laprascopy

Christy • Married. Endometriosis & PCOS. Angel baby 👼 IVF rainbow baby 2022 🫶 baby #2 coming May 2024 💕

I had surgery May 14th. I didn’t exactly wait to start having sex with my husband again. Once I felt better, I thought why not.

I had all my endometriosis removed. I spotted for a day maybe two after the surgery. According to my app I was suppose to get my actual period on Tuesday June 2nd. But here I am 4 days in & still no period. Usually if my husband & I have sex when my period is due - I literally start bleeding right after. But still after two evenings of love making - my period still hasn’t arrived. I am trying to be positive, & think we finally got our rainbow baby. But at the same time I am so scared to take a pregnancy test & it be negative.

How long after you had your laparoscopy did you get pregnant?

Tell me your stories? Successes?

Are you still currently trying?

& I know I know, I need to take a test.