I feel pregnant, but all the tests are negative??


So I was diagnosed with PCOS about 10 years ago. I was on birth control from diagnosis until January of this year. I am in my 6th month of TTC, and my period is a week late. It is never late! Before birth control and for the last 5 cycles I’ve been regular, and never skipped a month. About a week ago I started noticing some weird symptoms. I’m SUPER gassy, nauseous with occasional vomiting, sensitive to smells, my food tastes have changed, nipples are extremely sore, frequent urination, emotional, diarrhea, low back pain, and fatigue. Last week I had very brief cramping that went away, no spotting or signs of AF. I took a couple home pregnancy tests and both were negative, and my doctor did a blood test yesterday which was also negative. I have an OBGYN appointment Wednesday, but I was so sure I was pregnant based on the symptoms. I feel crazy, please help 😢