Need to vent to other New Moms


My seven week old girl has been giving me the hardest time. I don’t know what to do! Every day she puts me through hell for a few hours, during which time I just can’t figure out what to do to make her happy. It’s time for her to eat, and she’s showing me signs that she’s hungry, but then she won’t eat all of her bottle (breast milk) and starts to fall asleep. So I hold her and/or rock her for a while then put her down for a nap, thinking she’s just tired and I can fed her more later, but as soon as I put her down she wakes up hungry. Usually she sleeps for about ten minutes or less. Then she fusses and cries and won’t eat again! She falls asleep and the process repeats all over again, sometimes for hours. Does anyone else have this issue!? I make sure she’s burped, though sometimes she won’t burp after several minutes of trying, put in a clean diaper, etc... I know she can’t help it and it’s not her fault, but I can’t help getting exhausted and frustrated.