Pregnant Again?


So last month (May) i decided to stop trying to conceive because i was waiting for a supplement to come in so i could take it the next cycle here in June. Well my usual fertile window is between CD 19-23.

I noticed Monday that I had some cramps on my left side briefly and then it stopped i was standing up and eating a popsicle so nothing strenuous lol.

The next day i started getting sciatic nerve pain going down my right leg also earlier that morning at 3AM hubs and i had sex but i noticed that it didnt feel the same instead of the usual feeling for when he is deep (sorry tmi) it felt different this time(and for the days after) as if there was like too much stretching like the prickles or tingles you get when your foot falls asleep and is waking up.

Ive continued to have sciatic nerve pain since Tuesday but Wednesday it switch to the left for a few hours and then back to the right leg and today its been only on my right leg, also starting this morning I noticed increased CM when i was going to the bathroom i kept having a wet spot in 2 areas and i noticed when i felt my pantys there was creamy cm.

I also noticed that starting Tuesday ive been moody towards hubs. I used to get irritable after Ovulation but that was 2yrs ago and i not longer get that way after ovulation anymore since before i had our 9mth old son.

Sciatic nerve pain was a symptom for me when i was pregnant with our son but it only lasted a for a few hours on one day when i was at work and i assumed it was due to how i was sitting or the chair i was sitting in, i didnt think it was for pregnancy since we hadnt conceived in the previous cycles. This time its started and continues and it doesnt stop even if i stand or walk around or neil on a chair with the right leg resting but it does stop when i sleep on my stomach not on my sides though.

Increased CM, Moody,Pain during sex, Sciatic Nerve pain down right leg are my symptoms my AF/Period is due June 7, 9, 11th so in 3-7 days and these symptoms started 2 days ago so 5-9 days before period is due.

What do you think? I havent had this mix of symptoms before in any of my previous cycles pp (Started Feb 22).