I want another baby

My husband an I have two children, I really want a 3rd baby, and my husband did too until our 2nd child got a birth defect that was passed down from him, he feels bad about it and doesnt want to give it to any future children, our 1st didnt get it. I dont want to give it to anothee baby but my heart truely wants one more and im not sure I can just settle with the two I have. I always dreamed of a bigger family with 3 little ones.

Im not sure what i can do.. or how to feel.. :(


The chances of passing it on is 50/50

This defect doesnt cause the child any problems, or slow him down any at all, its just a extra finger and toe that requires surgery but surgery doesnt always make it look completely normal especially in our sons case where his extra finger is connected to a regular finger and cant bend it, they arnt sure if he will be able to bend it after surgery or not but he still uses the hand how he needs to.