He’s here

Sandra • Beauty enthusiast💅🏼💄Mommy of 3 Boys;💙
He’s here!❤️
Funny how last Friday (5.29.20) I was just 1 and 1/2 cm open. I told my husband yup by next Thursday it will be time. Well on 6.4.20 I woke up like any day kind of sad still no signs of contractions or him being here anytime soon. My friend that I haven’t seen in months cake over to visit and she gave me a massage on the trigger points to induce labor lol I bounced on my yoga for a good hour and a half. Tried the mother’s brew at 2pm (Disclaimer! Don’t do unless you get the ok from your dr first!) and then I went for a walk at 7pm with my mother and then the contractions started while I was walking with her, they were about 20 mins apart so I had just a feeling it was gonna be in the middle of that night that I’d be going to the hospital. So I went home got everything ready contractions were still 10, 15-20 mins apart. But idk I still had a feeling so my husband got home from work at 9pm we went to the bank to get everything situated for the rent and just to have cash on us. We got McDonald’s watched our favorite show while eating lol contractions were 5-6 mins apart now. My husband falls asleep. And I stayed up just because I knew. At 12:30am I used the  restroom and a ball of blood came out. It was show time! Got everything ready and woke up my husband that it was time. We dropped off our son at my moms. And arrived the hospital at 2am. They checked and I was 3 1/2 cm open so they monitored me for an hour at 3am they check and I was 4 cm open contractions were 3-5 mins apart and my bloody show kept going. I got my epidural at 4:40am. My blood pressure was low at 5am. They checked me and I was still at 4cm.... they gave me petocin 7am they checked and I was still at 4cm!!!!😩😩 at 11am they checked and I was 6cm so they gave me another bag of epidural since the first was running low. My blood pressure machine went off at 11:20am and the nurse checked me really quick and she said I was ready!! And yes she meant I was 10cm already!! And ready to push! With a new bag of epidural I could feel my legs or contractions! But since this is my third time having a baby I knew how to push  even though was completely numb! 
They preped the room and by 11:40am I was pushing. He was born at 11:48am❤️ he weighs 7lbs 14oz. 20 inch long! I’m so relieved he’s here❤️ I thank god for this amazing blessing to be born healthy and strong! 
Giovanni Anuar Valencia❤️
Little chunkers was awake for a whole hour after he was born, all wide eyed and everything❤️