Best thing


Well after a really hard miserable 39weeks and 5 days my little boy came into the world on the 5th of June I am so lucky to have had a labour like I did it was a amazing experience my waters broke at 7pm wednesday went to the hospital at 9pm that night after been given a gel pessary and it falling out 3 times nothing happened and I was in so much pain so I was sent to labour unit at about 5 I had a epidural at 6 (best decision I made having it) and pitocin drop I was checked at 12 and was 1-2cm checked again at 4am and I was 9 and half a hour after that 10 started pushing a hour later pushed for 1 hour and 45 minutes a small cut because his big head couldn't get out and he was delivered at 7:45 weighing 7lb 5oz

it was the best experience of my life I absolutely adored my labour I had no pain until the last 10 minutes I was so proud of myself